The Serpent and the Unicorn

The Serpent and the Unicorn is divided into 5 books in 3 volumes, and is the recommended starting point for the entire series. 

I have just updated, revised, and reedited the entire series and it is now available in one volume and includes a map.

Available at Smashwords: Here for the first volume (free!).  And the second and third volumes.  The Complete series.

Available at Amazon: One, Two, and Three.  Or the complete series.

Barnes and Noble: One (free!), Two, Three.  Or the Complete Series.

Apple: One (free!), Two, Three. Or the Complete Series.

Books I and II:

What if the Myth were real and everything else mattered not? What if your very soul hung in the balance? Enter a land where the Myth is real, but many have forgotten or scorn the Truth and those who fight to uphold it. The adventure is about to begin, for even those who fight for justice are about to rediscover why.

This story is not just another tale of an orphan who finds a magic sword, discovers a forgotten lineage, finds a few friends, and conquers an overwhelming evil. This is a story that crosses a continent, transcends time, plunges deep into the very soul of man, and explores all the vastness and intricacies of life. It is a story of good and evil, love and war, truth and absurdity, courage and faith, hope and despair, humor and adventure, and everything that moves the human soul. Whether viewed as Truth or Myth, it is a tale to make one think and a story full of adventure, intrigue, love, sorrow, hope, and humor: much like this dance we call life. It is a fairy story in that it involves unicorns, dragons, and other uncommon beasts and certain aspects of magic, but it is also a human story that explores the questions, doubts, fears, and triumphs common to the hearts of men.

Book III:

An old foe and an ancient enemy join forces to conquer the known world. The Brethren are forced to confront the mostly contented and oblivious nations and prepare them for a war that might destroy everything. Even if the nations can unite, a much greater evil has yet to reveal itself and this may mean defeat in the very hour of victory unless a mission of dire secrecy is successful.

Book three of five in the Serpent and the Unicorn Series (available as a trilogy), finds the Brethren caught between the indifferent nations and the combined forces of their perennial enemies. While the nations must be prepared for war, a much more dire foe is revealed who cannot be defeated by any known means. The search for an answer sends Tristan and his companions on a journey that might well be futile for its object passed out of human knowledge centuries ago; failure to obtain that which they seek means a bleak future for mankind, if he has any future at all. It is a race against time, indifference, and disbelief upon which the fate of the world hangs. Will they be in time?

Books IV and V:

The armed conflict is over and the world anticipates a time of peace and prosperity, but a war of a different sort is looming, one for the heart and soul of humanity. Since time began, the Brethren have been the guardians of Knowledge and Truth, but their ancient stewardship is about to be challenged by those who seek Reason at any cost. Who will decide how the world puts itself back together?

The recent war has brought the world together, but now another threat is about to tear it apart. The former was a physical war; this is a war on reason itself. The final two books in this volume of the Serpent and the Unicorn series will forever change the world as they knew it. The hearts and minds of not only the nations, but all who inhabit the earth are now at stake. The Brethren’s ancient duty to protect and preserve knowledge and Truth is about to be challenged. The way the world thinks is about to change and the Brethren must decide to change with the times or risk becoming obsolete in a world that seems intent on quickly outpacing their ancient beliefs. What is one to think in this strange new world that now lies open before us?

1 comment:

  1. Every time I try to leave a comment it disappears. Weird.
